Destroying Freedom
Each day we wake up and find that events are chipping away at our freedom. Power-hungry politicians are bent on controlling every aspect of our lives without caring about the consequences.
Freedom can mean many things to many people. Indeed, it can bring different emotions depending upon your circumstances and how you obtained “freedom.” And freedom looked a lot different when I was growing up.
I remember a time when freedom and being free meant something. There was a real sense of being “free.” Sure, there was plenty to be concerned about, but nothing like we face today. I’m not sure anyone is free or feels free any longer. Maybe there is no “slavery” in the true sense of the word, but I have to say, we are all “slaves” in some form or another.
Each day there is a sense of loss, and the void keeps growing. It is worrisome that the damage being done today will not be repairable. The future looks uncertain.
We are destroying the planet
The country is burning, literally. Floods ravage many states making a recovery and habitation untenable. At the same time, greedy politicians focus on taking away our rights and installing restrictions on what we can or can’t do with our bodies.
There seems to be a lack of a “free” consciousness in society today. Maybe because the end goal cannot be reached, so in effect, freedom is out of reach. There was a time when songs were written about freedom, ending war, freedom from personal invasion. And we could sing along, believing we could change the world. Those days seem to have disappeared, and there does not seem to be a sign that they will ever reemerge.
Freedom and being free means you control your life, your existence. But, in reality, we are influenced by so many external sources. Whether we know it or not.
Government control
Our lives are dictated by government. Factions are trying to dictate what a person can do to or with their body. Laws are passed in private to prevent people from voting their conscience or preference. The governments of most countries are making life so complicated it can be daunting to navigate. The question is, “Where can we go to feel really free?”
Sadly, officials are controlled by multi-billion dollar companies. The donations depend on how that official votes for specific laws or rule changes. There is supposed to be a “separation of church and state,” but that seems to be fading away. Religion, one of the richest of corporations, is dictating how we live our lives.
And other influencers
It’s not just government. Society is controlled by significant corporations, social media, and, more specifically, marketing.
How you feel is controlled by what is published, advertised, or broadcast. At one point, it was enough simply to own a home. Now, that is overshadowed by having to upgrade that home to something nicer or bigger or both. Maybe the neighborhood is not up to par. And “it’s the perfect time to upgrade” with interest rates so low. Don’t worry about that debt. More control by the financial institutions controlling interest rates and loan values.
You will undoubtedly need a new car if you are moving into a new neighborhood. No interest for ten years. So, that debt doesn’t even count, right?
Our freedom is a smokescreen. We are controlled because of our debt, our government, and the laws they pass, by marketing, and sadly, by social media.
And to make sure we don’t focus too much on a single issue, a new distraction is created. It’s a wonder we don’t all have severe neck injuries trying to keep tabs on what is occurring all around us.
One of my favorite singer-songwriters is Bruce Cockburn. He penned a song in 1983 titled “The Trouble With Normal.” The most memorable line for me is “The trouble with normal is it always gets worse.”
Take a step back and peel back the layers, and the truth might appear.